Masada was located in the Judean Desert near the shores of the Dead Sea. He burned Jerusalem, killing or selling into slavery tens of thousands of Jews.ħ3 AD Masada Falls- The Fortress of Masada, occupied by Jewish zealots opposed to Rome, held out for three years. Titus succeeded in capturing Jerusalem on the ninth day of Ab (according to the Jewish calendar). Vespasian was recalled to Rome and the siege continued by his son, Titus. The Roman army quickly subdued the Jewish forces in the Galilee and laid siege to Jerusalem. He represented a complete break with the Augustinian dynasties that preceded him.ħ0 AD Jerusalem Falls- Rome sent an enormous army under the command of Vespasian, to retake Judea. Vespasian himself was the son of a tax collector from Reate. Otho was defeated by Vitellius and Vespasian finally established a new dynasty. In the course of that tumultuous year, Nero was succeeded by Galba who was followed by Otho. Nero was assassinated and civil war erupted to determine who would succeed him. is known as the year of the four emperors. The Romans dispatch an army from Syria to quell the revolt, but it was destroyed on the way to Jerusalem.Ħ8 AD Year of the Four Emperors- The year 69 A.D. The Roman fortress of Antonia in Jerusalem was captured and the soldiers killed. Legend has it that 'Rome burned while Nero fiddled'.Ħ6 AD Judaea Rebels Against Rome- A rebellion broke out in Jerusalem against Roman rule. The fire is said to have been set by Nero. Nero eventually had his mother killed.Ħ4 AD Rome Burns- The city of Rome was nearly destroyed in a catastrophic fire.

Agrippina then arranged for her son, Nero, to become Emperor. This eventually led to the complete subjugation of Wales to the Romans twenty years later.ĥ4 AD Claudius Murdered, Nero Emperor- According to legend, Claudius was assassinated by his wife Agrippina using poisoned mushrooms. He was assassinated by Cassius Chaerea, a member of the Praetorian Guard on January 24th in the year 41 A.D.ĥ1 AD Conquest Of Wales Completed By Romans- The Romans under Ostorius Scaopula defeated Carctacus of Wales. Caligula was considered by many to be insane. During this dynasty, which lasted until 220, Buddhism was introduced into China.ģ0 AD Jesus Christ was put to death by the Romans in Jerusalem on April 7thĤ1 AD Caligula Assassinated- After the death of Tiberius, he was succeeded by Caligula. Thus Tiberius, the son of Augustus' wife Livia by her first marriage, became the new Emperor of Rome.Ģ5 AD Han Dynasty Founded - After the death of Wang Mang, Hou Han founded the Eastern Han Dynasty. While legally all of his powers ceased with his demise, Augustus had arranged for his family members to succeed him. His opponents fomented revolts against him and in 23 he was killed during one such revolt.ġ4 AD Tiberius Secedes Augustus - Augustus died on August 19th at Nola.
#Important world events after 0 ad series
Wang Mang instituted a series of price controls on staples. There was a great deal of opposition to his policies and he was eventually forced to tax slaveholding instead of releasing slaves. He instituted wide-ranging reforms that included breaking up large estates, and freeing of slaves. The battle took place in the Teutoburg Forest, and resulted in Varnus committing suicide.The results of this battle ensured German independence from Rome.ĩ AD Hsin Dynasty- Wang Mang founded the short-lived Hsin Dynasty. 1 AD- Jesus Christ was born On Decemeber 25thĦ AD Herod Deposed-Herod Archelaus was deposed by the Roman Emperor, Augustus because of Herod Archelaus' brutal treatment of the Jews of Judea and Samaria.ĩ AD German Tribes Destroy 3 Roman Legions- Three Roman legions under the command of P Quinctilius Varnus were defeated by a German army led by Ariminus.